9 research outputs found

    "If I join forces with Mr. Kuhn": Polanyi and Kuhn as Mutually Supportive and Corrective

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    My purpose is to examine how Kuhn and Polanyi might be mutually supportive and corrective so as to join forces in providing a more comprehensive understanding of the progress of science. My presentation will be divided into three parts: (I) The common ground Kuhn shares with Polanyi; (II) Four soft spots in Kuhn and their remedy; (III) Clarifying and upgrading Polanyi appeal to "objective reality.

    Polanyi's "Cosmic Field"--Prophetic Faith or Religious Folly?

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    My paper is divided into three parts. In the first two parts, I intend to briefly explore three things Michael Polanyi got wrong followed by three things that Polanyi got right. In the final section, I will show how some sectors of contemporary microbiology are finding mechanisms that guide evolutionary development—just as Polanyi expected they would. Despite limitations, therefore, I shall conclude that Polanyi’s surmise that there are philogenetic forces guiding evolution has the prospect of being embraced by modern science

    The Distress Signals of Didache Research: Quest for a Viable Future

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    During the hundred years following its discovery, Adolph Harnack and, after him, his successors succeeded in giving a determined direction to Didache research. In so doing, the Didache took on a discernible identity and was valued as contributing to the pressing academic discussions of the day. During the last forty years, Harnack and his successors have been largely marginalized. As a result, the field of Didache studies has been caught up in a confusing diversity of scholarly opinions. There is no single origination hypothesis, no single methodology, and no single research program to guide our way. The field of Didache scholarship is thus in disarray and unable to substantially contribute to the academic questions of our day

    Public Recognition, Vanity, and the Quest for Truth: Reflection on ‘Polanyi vs. Kuhn’

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    After commending Moleski for his excellent study, I focus attention on three areas that merit further clarification: (1) that Michael Polanyi’s quest for public recognition was legitimate and not the effect of a runaway vanity, (2) that Kuhn’s straining to define his dependence upon Polanyi was blocked by the unspecifiability clouding the discovery process and by his notion that Polanyi appealed to ESP to explain the dynamics of· discovery, and (3) that Kuhn’s success in gaining public recognition for his paradigm shift was understandable. In the end, I list five areas wherein Kuhn’s account of scientific revolutions could be substantially improved by joining forces with Polanyi

    The heuristic circularity of commitment and the experience of discovery: A Polanyian critique of Thomas Kuhn's _Structure of Scientific Revolutions_

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    My essay will be divided as follows: #1 Analysis of Thomas Kuhn's notion of scientific revolutions; #2 Critical soft spots found in both Kuhn and Polanyi; #3 How Polanyi can enrich Kuhn's description of scientific discoverie

    Whatever Happened to Hell and Going to Heaven: Why Churches Promoting “Going to Heaven” Are Soon to Disappear (9/11/2121)

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    In my first year at the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley); I was required to read Oscar Cullmann's \u3cb\u3e Immortality of the Soul or the Resurrection of the Dead? \u3c/b\u3e (1956). I was shocked and dumbfounded by what I discovered. Giving my religious instruction under the guidance of the Ursuline nuns at Holy Cross Grade School, it never entered my mind that Jesus did not believe that every person had an immortal soul that survived the death of the body. After a single reading, however, I suddenly realized that Jesus never endorsed the immortality of the soul. I suffered a crisis of faith--I realized that my Catholic upbringing had been contaminated by dubious ideas that originated with Socrates.\u3cbr\u3e More recently, the international NT scholar and Bishop N.T. Wright has challenged the Christian churches to drop Socratic ideas and to return to the faith of Jesus:\u3cbr\u3e \u3cquote\u3eMention salvation, and almost all Western Christians assume that you mean going to heaven when you die. But a moment’s thought, in the light of all we have said so far, reveals that this simply cannot be right. . . . If God’s good creation—of the world, of life as we know it, or our glorious and remarkable bodies, brains, and bloodstreams—really is good . . . , then to see the death of the body and the escape of the soul as salvation is not simply slightly off course, in need of a few subtle alterations and modifications. It is totally and utterly wrong! \u3c/quote\u3e In my article, I use my personal story to illustrate how Socratic doctrines had distorted my faith in Jesus. I use my training in historical theology to illustrate (a) how Socrates became the patron saint of the Church Fathers; (b) how Jesus' mission in Hades expanded during the first three centuries; and (c) how Hades began as a cool place where the souls of saints and sinners resided together and ended up as a hot place where grave sinners were eternally tormented. Along the way, I show how Socrates failed to resolve key issues such as (a) whether the soul survives death; (b) whether communication between souls is even possible after death; and (c) whether souls in the heavenly realm are locked in a permanent coma. In brief, I supply N.T. Wright with massive evidence of just how "utterly wrong" the "going to Heaven" movement has been.\u3cbr\u3e\u3cbr\u3e Note: I just finished this paper and hope to publish it. Any help you can give me to improve its readability or content, would be appreciated

    Does the Bible require that marriage be limited to one man and one woman? Four Case Studies: November, 2019

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    The four case studies below were designed as a workshop in a research setting. They could also be used as a lesson plan for college students. The material is divided into four case studies. One can use any of the case studies independently. One can change the order in which the case studies are used. If you want to share with me how you plan to use these case studies, communicate to me at [email protected] • Case 1: Does the Bible require that marriage be limited to one man and one woman? • Case 2: Matthew Vines, a fervent believer wrestling with loneliness • Case 3: Does the Bible support the contention that marriage rules never change? • Case 4: The Emergence and Disappearance of Levirate Marriage

    Medical Marijuana

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    Marijuana was historically used as a comfort drug, and as other comfort drugs like nicotine gained a negative reputation, marijuana suffered the same fate. Marijuana is currently recognized as a Schedule I drug by the FDA, but it has been scientifically proven to have medicinal properties. We believe that the physical benefits of medical marijuana outweigh the ethical concerns, so our policy wants the FDA to recognize marijuana as a Schedule III drug, allowing it to be sold in all states in regulation for medicinal purposes. The policy contains an age restriction of twenty-five years old, a medical background check done by hospital administration, a prescription by the doctor of the patient, and it follows the current prescription infrastructure. Many Americans suffer from symptoms of disease that can be eased by the effects of marijuana. Many people dislike the proposed idea of the legalization because they believe that it is an unsafe drug, and that the risks far outweigh the costs; however, this is not necessarily the case since marijuana has been proven to be less addictive than opioids. In fact, it has been shown to have important medicinal purposes in helping treat cancer symptoms and other diseases